Welcome to Family Organics Pecan Nursery & Farm
At Family Organics, we take pride in nurturing nature's treasures - the exquisite pecan nut trees. Our pecan nursery and farm, located in the picturesque Newthorndale Valley, just 25 kilometers outside of Maglisesburg town in the North West Province of South Africa, is a testament to our commitment to quality, sustainability, and organic practices.
Our Roots
Established in 2004, Family Organics Pecan Nursery & Farm stands as a testament to the ownership and stewardship of the Amos Family Trust. Today, our operations are guided by dedicated and highly capable staff, with management overseen by Orwin Mwale, ensuring the continued prosperity of the farm
Efficiency and Excellence

Organic Pecan Farming in Action
Our Commitment to Sustainable Organic Farming
At Family Organics, sustainability is at the core of our operations. We take pride in employing organic methods that prioritize the health of our trees and the environment.

Sustainability is the cornerstone
Sustainability is the cornerstone of our operations, guiding our every practice.

Organic Farming Methods
We employ organic farming methods that prioritize the well-being of our trees and the environment.

Pure Our commitment
Our commitment extends to promoting the health and vitality of our trees and the surrounding ecosystem.